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1. Print out the membership/renewal form below

2. Either send the membership/renewal form to us by mail


Membership Info

Copyright © Grays Harbor Bowmen

Grays Harbor Bowmen

or use our ONLINE payment system link below  ($2 Fee applies) 

What's the Best About Our Club?

We love archery and it shows.  Our club is like a family.  We all help each other out, we teach, we work and we play.  

Club Amenities:

  • 20 Yard Indoor range

  • 50+ yard outdoor range

  • 1.5 mile groomed trail course with moderate hiking, bay views along with stream crossings and timber forests.

  • Heated Clubhouse with kitchen and bathroom facilities

  • Large campground area (dry camping only)

  • Picnic tables near flat range

  • Broadhead range

  • Large parking area

  • Conveniently located between Aberdeen and Westport. 

Club dues are $100 year for a family or for a single person.  We will discount all memberships after July 1st. 

 Out-of-towners that are over 50 miles away can join for only $35 year.   

Every member will receive a new key yearly when dues are paid.   

We also offer incentives if you work a certain number of hours doing club grounds work or target prep etc.